// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // eros fratini - eros@recoding.it // jqprint 0.3 // // - 19/06/2009 - some new implementations, added opera support // - 11/05/2009 - first sketch // // printing plug-in for jquery, evolution of jprintarea: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jprintarea // requires jquery 1.3.x // // licensed under the mit license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php //------------------------------------------------------------------------ (function($) { var opt; $.fn.jqprint = function (options) { opt = $.extend({}, $.fn.jqprint.defaults, options); var $element = (this instanceof jquery) ? this : $(this); if (opt.operasupport && $.support.opera) { var tab = window.open("","jqprint-preview"); tab.document.open(); var doc = tab.document; } else { var $iframe = $("